Home > About Maryland
Capital City: Annapolis
Economy: Agriculture, manufacturing, government and
Population: 5,171,634
Time Zone: 5 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (-5 GMT).
Daylight Saving Time is observed from early April-late October
Governor: Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr., R (to Jan. 2007)
Lieut. Gov.: Michael Steele, R (to Jan. 2007)
Senators: Barbara A. Mikulski, D (to Jan. 2005); Paul
S. Sarbanes, D (to Jan. 2007)
Secy. of State: R. Karl Aumann, R (to Jan. 2007)
Treasurer: Nancy K. Kopp, D
Atty. General: J. Joseph Curran, Jr., D (to Jan. 2007)
Entered Union (rank): April 28, 1788 (7)
Present constitution adopted: 1867
Motto: Fatti maschii, parole femine (Manly deeds, womanly
State Symbols: bird Baltimore oriole
boat skipjack (1985)
crustacean Maryland blue crab (1989)
dinosaur Astrodon johnstoni (1998)
dog Chesapeake Bay retriever (1964)
beverage milk (1998)
flower black-eyed susan (1918)
fish rockfish (1965)
folk dance square dance (1994)
fossil shell ecphora gardnerae gardnerae
(Wilson) (1994)
insect Baltimore checkerspot butterfly (1973)
reptile Diamondback terrapin (1994)
song “Maryland! My Maryland!” (1939)
sport jousting (1962)
tree white oak (1941)
Nicknames: Free State; Old Line State
Origin of name: In honor of Henrietta Maria (queen
of Charles I of England)
10 largest cities (2000): Baltimore, 651,154; Frederick, 52,767; Gaithersburg,
52,613; Bowie, 50,269; Rockville, 47,388; Hagerstown, 36,687; Annapolis,
35,838; College Park, 24,657; Salisbury, 23,743; Cumberland, 21,518
Land area: 9,774 sq mi. (25,315 sq km)
Geographic center: In Prince Georges Co., 41/2 mi.
NW of Davidsonville
Number of counties: 23, and 1 independent city
Largest county by population and area: Montgomery,
891,347 (2001); Frederick, 663 sq mi.
State forests: 13 (132,944 ac.)
State parks: 47 (87,670 ac.)
Residents: Marylander